Caratteristiche del prodotto:
Contiene 28 successi da suonare con il sax tenore (e strumenti in sib).
Il CD contiene le basi.
- A Whole New World
- All Night Long (All Night)
- Arirang
- Cheek To Cheek
- Chim Chim Cher-Ee
- Do, Re, Mi
- Don't Fence Me In
- El Condor Pasa
- Everybody Needs Somebody To Love
- Fame
- Flashdance... What A Feeling
- Go Tell It On De Mountains
- Oye Como Va
- Pata Pata
- Scarborough Fair
- Sirtos
- Somebody Is Knocking At Your Door
- Summer Nights
- Summertime (Porgy And Bess)
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
- The Little Drummer Boy
- Under The Sea
- When The Saints Go Marchin’ In
- You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
Il CD contiene le basi.
- A Whole New World
- All Night Long (All Night)
- Arirang
- Cheek To Cheek
- Chim Chim Cher-Ee
- Do, Re, Mi
- Don't Fence Me In
- El Condor Pasa
- Everybody Needs Somebody To Love
- Fame
- Flashdance... What A Feeling
- Go Tell It On De Mountains
- Oye Como Va
- Pata Pata
- Scarborough Fair
- Sirtos
- Somebody Is Knocking At Your Door
- Summer Nights
- Summertime (Porgy And Bess)
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
- The Little Drummer Boy
- Under The Sea
- When The Saints Go Marchin’ In
- You Are The Sunshine Of My Life



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