Caratteristiche del prodotto:
Active 220-Watt 2-Way PA Speaker System with 10" Woofer and 1.35" Compression Driver
# High-power 220-Watt 2-way PA sound reinforcement speaker system for live and playback applications
# Ultra-compact and light weight system delivers excellent sound even at extreme sound pressure levels
# Revolutionary Class-D amplifier technology: enormous power, incredible sonic performance and super-light weight
# Internal switch-mode power supply for noise-free audio, superior transient response and very low power consumption
# Integrated sound processor for ultimate system control and speaker protection
# Extremely powerful 10'' long-excursion driver provides incredibly deep bass and acoustic power
# State-of-the-art 1.35'' aluminum-diaphragm compression driver for exceptional high-frequency reproduction
# Ultra-wide dispersion, large-format exponential/conical horn
# Ultra-low noise Mic/Line input with Volume control and Clip LED
# Additional Line output allows linking of additional speaker systems
# Ergonomically shaped handle for easy carrying and setup
# High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Active 220-Watt 2-Way PA Speaker System with 10" Woofer and 1.35" Compression Driver
# High-power 220-Watt 2-way PA sound reinforcement speaker system for live and playback applications
# Ultra-compact and light weight system delivers excellent sound even at extreme sound pressure levels
# Revolutionary Class-D amplifier technology: enormous power, incredible sonic performance and super-light weight
# Internal switch-mode power supply for noise-free audio, superior transient response and very low power consumption
# Integrated sound processor for ultimate system control and speaker protection
# Extremely powerful 10'' long-excursion driver provides incredibly deep bass and acoustic power
# State-of-the-art 1.35'' aluminum-diaphragm compression driver for exceptional high-frequency reproduction
# Ultra-wide dispersion, large-format exponential/conical horn
# Ultra-low noise Mic/Line input with Volume control and Clip LED
# Additional Line output allows linking of additional speaker systems
# Ergonomically shaped handle for easy carrying and setup
# High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life



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