Caratteristiche del prodotto:
Ultra-compact 9.5” karaoke machine for studio and stage applications
Revolutionary Voice Canceller—effectively eliminates vocals from any stereo source while retaining most music elements
Integrated digital echo/reverb processor in 24-bit/40 kHz resolution for ultimate vocal enhancement
2 independent mic channels with Level controls and Clip indicators for perfect level adjustment
Dedicated 2-band EQ for awesome vocal enhancement and sound shaping
Accurate 6-digit LED output meter for precise level indication
Stereo Line Inputs/Outputs for connecting your favorite CD, MP3, tape recorder, etc.
High-quality potentiometers and illuminated switches for long-term reliability
Ultra low-noise audio operational amplifiers offer outstanding sound performance
All Mini Series models can be stacked on top of each other to create an ultra-compact signal processor solution
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Revolutionary Voice Canceller—effectively eliminates vocals from any stereo source while retaining most music elements
Integrated digital echo/reverb processor in 24-bit/40 kHz resolution for ultimate vocal enhancement
2 independent mic channels with Level controls and Clip indicators for perfect level adjustment
Dedicated 2-band EQ for awesome vocal enhancement and sound shaping
Accurate 6-digit LED output meter for precise level indication
Stereo Line Inputs/Outputs for connecting your favorite CD, MP3, tape recorder, etc.
High-quality potentiometers and illuminated switches for long-term reliability
Ultra low-noise audio operational amplifiers offer outstanding sound performance
All Mini Series models can be stacked on top of each other to create an ultra-compact signal processor solution
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany



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